- 播客: Powered by Audio: How will good sound shape 的 future of education?
TThe global pandemic has forced school educators to quickly adapt to remote teaching. Will online classes gradually replace 的 classroom? 2021年4月21日
- 播客: Freakonomics Radio: Please Get Your Noise Out of My Ears with Dr. Arline Bronzaft
The modern world overwhelms us with sounds we didn’t ask for, like car alarms and cell-phone "halfalogues." What does all this noise cost us in terms of productivity, health, and basic sanity? 2020年11月11日
- 搜索,米. 布朗扎夫特,A. L. (2020) 减少城市噪音. Behavioral Science in 的 Global Arena, Volume 1. 编辑:Elaine P. Congress, Harold Takooshian and Abigail Asper.
- Women Whose Noise Complaints Have Been Dismissed Are Asked to Advocate for A Quieter Environment Arline Bronzaft著. 2020年2月6日.
- 播客: Soundproofist: Noise politics – with Dr. Arline Bronzaft
In this podcast episode, Dr. Bronzaft shares how she helped to reduce noise in 的 classroom and raise children’s reading scores. She also outlines some of 的 history of U.S. 噪声政策. Her noise-conscious grandson Matt joined in to talk about how plane traffic from nearby LaGuardia airport affects him at home and at school. 2019年11月4日
- 播客: Why Noise matters with Dr. Arline Bronzaft
In this episode of Erik and Lyn Lindbergh's podcast, Dr. Bronzaft discusses her research based approach to how noise affects our quality of life. 2019年8月18日
- Supporting healthier urban environments with a sound and noise curriculum for students Arline Bronzaft著. 城市 & 健康, 2019年3月21日.
- An Exploratory Survey of Sound Levels in New York City Restaurants and Bars 格雷戈里·斯科特. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2018年8月.
- How City Noise is Slowly Killing You 作者:安德里亚·巴茨. 哈珀斯集市, 2017年7月25日.
- The Noise From Wind Turbines: Potential Adverse Impacts on Children’s Well-Being. Bulletin of Science, Technology & 的社会, 2011年7月20日.
- Neighborhood Noise and its Consequences, Special Report #3. December 2004 Arline Bronzaft著 and Gregg Van Ryzin. Survey-December 2004.
- Neighborhood Noise and Its Consequences, Special Report #9. January 2006 Arline Bronzaft著 and Gregg Van Ryzin.
- Impact of Noise on Health: The Divide between Policy and Science Arline Bronzaft著
- 噪音为何重要 by John Stewart with Arline Bronzaft, Francis McManus, Nigel Rodgers, and Val Weedon
- Sound and Noise A Listener's Guide to Everyday Life by Marcia Jenneth Epstein with foreword Arline Bronzaft著.
- The Consumer Handbook on Hearing Loss and Noise 作者:Marshall Chasin, Au.D.编辑
- Listen to 的 Raindrops Arline Bronzaft著. Illustration by Stephen Parton.
This delightful book with 15 color illustrations introduces children to 的 delights of every day sounds through 的 antics of a young mouse, and alerts 的m to 的 bad sounds that can hurt 的ir ears. Listen to 的 Raindrops opens 的 door to noise awareness, 声音的喜悦, and 的 need to protect our precious hearing. Can be obtained from 的 NYC Department of Environmental Protection by e-mailing educationoffice@dep.纽约.政府. A NYC DEP lesson worksheet is available 在这里.
- Center for Hearing and Communication Archives
- Center for Hearing and Communication Hearing rehabilitation and human services agency.
- Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources.
- 安静的社区
- US-Citizens Aviation Watch
- NYC Dept of Environmental Protection's Sound and Noise 教育 Module
- 别再砍纽约/新泽西了 -直升机噪音.
- The Right to Quiet Society for Soundscape Awareness and Protection